Wednesday, 10 December 2014


Santa Claus came to town! 
We had a magical morning with Santa Claus himself! The atmosphere was warm and cosy and the children were mesmerized

Memories from our Field Trip!

Enjoy the photos! 
 Lunch time!

 Playing all together! Thankful the rain stopped!

 Going into the Planetarium or as the children called it " The Bubble"! 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Working Out in Kinder AW!

We did some exercising working our muscles and stretching our limbs!
"Can you do the Bridge"

The Superman Pose

The Downward Dog 
Jumping Jacks

Work it out... 

 High Knees!

Sunday, 16 November 2014

New Unit of Inquiry

Dear Parents,

Our new UOI: " LIGHT AND DARK is under way and the children have already shown us how much they already know about Light and Dark and Day and Night!

Below is a bit about where we will be going with this exciting Unit:


Transdisciplinary Theme:

How the World Works

Central Idea:

Our lives and environment are impacted by light and dark

Lines of Inquiry:

* Night and Day
* Effects of Light 
* Sources of Light
* Uses of Light

We will be taking a trip to the Planetarium ( information to follow) and we have a special guest coming into school to tell us stories using shadows and props that the children will have made in an earlier workshop!

Of course the invitation is always open if any of you are experts in this area! Please contact your teachers to organise. 


The Kinder Team

