Wednesday, 12 December 2012

2nd Grade Diwali presentation

 Last week we went to see the 2nd Grade production of Diwali, the Indian Celebration of Light. 
Well Done 2C!!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Kinder B's " Mini Mystery Reader"

Kinder B had a very special Mystery Reader this week.... Ms. Cecilia's daughter Emma!!!! 

The Holiday Bazaar

Dear Parents,

Just a quick reminder that this Friday, December 7th Ambrit is having its annual Holiday Bazaar. Please send in a few euros with your child as each Kinder will be going sometime during the day!

The Kinder Team

The First Mystery Reader This Year!!!!

Cosimo and Orlando's Mom came to Kinder B and Kinder A this week! Here are the photos from Kinder B: 

Kinder B's Photos from the field trip