Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The Parco della Caffarella has an interesting activity program that runs from March-September 2012. There are several workshops that you may enjoy with your child. Some in particular are related to our unit on minibeasts such as one on Saturday, April 28th at 1600 entitled "Impariamo a riconoscere gli insetti". For more information you can call 3337137257. I am also attaching a link for you to view. Once on the site, click on "Programma Primavera Estate 2012" and you will be able to view all of the workshops etc.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

March 27th, 2012

Good Morning!

We have added a section on Tips from the Teachers where you can find interesting links for websites for yourselves or your children, take a peek!

If you pop in to see what Kindergarten has been up to, don't be shy leave a little comment for us to read!
Have a nice day!

Kinder B's beautiful work

Thursday, 15 March 2012

KInder B are Busy Little Bees!!

We have been Busy Little Bees exploring the gardens and learning about mini beasts!

Kinder G are hard at work!

Kinder G have been working hard making beautiful butterflies! Take a peek and Enjoy!!

Kinder L and their Big Buddies Go Exploring!

Enjoy our beautiful pictures from our Mini Beast Hunt here at school! 

Monday, 12 March 2012

March 12, 2012

This past week Kinder has been exploring and searching for mini beasts in our gardens at school. Some of us went with our 5th Grade Big Buddies and others went searching with their class, either way we found many creepy crawly mini beasts! Lizards lounging in the sun, ants marching one by one, worms wiggling in the mud and spiders making webs. We all had so much fun on this little walk. 
If you are out and about or even in your own garden, have your child take you on another exploration and see what you can find! Please bring in your findings to share with the class!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Sharing the planet: In the Garden

Dear Parents,

We have finished our last Unit on the World of Work and have started our new Unit, In the Garden. We would like to thank those who were able to come in and share their occupations with the children. They loved having you visit our classrooms. 
During this Unit the Students will explore their environment and gain an awareness of the minibeasts around them. Through books, crafts, observations, songs and movement, students will develop their knowledge of the importance of minibeasts and their role in nature. To end the unit, students will chose their favourite minibeast to research and present to the class.

Stay tuned for more creepy crawly adventures!!! 

The Kinder Team

Friday, 2 March 2012

Welcome to our blog!

Dear Parents,
Welcome to the new Kindergarten blog!
We hope to keep you up-dated with children's work, useful web links and any Kinder related news.
Watch this space for up-coming news and lots of photos. 
The Kinder team