> The kinder Bunch was created to address the normal developmental issues for
> children in kinder reinforcing healthy social emotional growth.
> WHY?
> The kinder Bunch groups provide for additional personal and social
> skill building
> under the guidance of the school counselor. The groups provide a chance for
> students to share, to talk and learn about feelings, build skills to
> develop healthy
> friendships and to understand how groups get along in a school community.
> HOW?
> The kinder Bunch meets on Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30. The kinder
> students stay in their classes while 3 teachers rotate from class exploring the
> concept of the month.
> Ms. Salomon, the school counselor, may introduce the topic with an age
> appropriate story , puppets or game, Miss Ewa, the PE teacher will actively
> engage student understanding through movement and role plays while Ms. Abouhana,
> the E.C music teacher uses the magic of songs and music to reinforce the topic.
> We liaison with the classroom teachers to talk about specific needs,
> depending on what the children are doing and how they are
> interacting. We may follow themes such as friendships, caring, respect, and how
> to behave and react in certain situations.
The Kinder Team