Wednesday, 12 December 2012

2nd Grade Diwali presentation

 Last week we went to see the 2nd Grade production of Diwali, the Indian Celebration of Light. 
Well Done 2C!!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Kinder B's " Mini Mystery Reader"

Kinder B had a very special Mystery Reader this week.... Ms. Cecilia's daughter Emma!!!! 

The Holiday Bazaar

Dear Parents,

Just a quick reminder that this Friday, December 7th Ambrit is having its annual Holiday Bazaar. Please send in a few euros with your child as each Kinder will be going sometime during the day!

The Kinder Team

The First Mystery Reader This Year!!!!

Cosimo and Orlando's Mom came to Kinder B and Kinder A this week! Here are the photos from Kinder B: 

Kinder B's Photos from the field trip

Friday, 30 November 2012

Thursday Morning Kinder Bunch Groups

> The kinder Bunch was created to address the normal developmental issues for
> children in kinder reinforcing healthy social emotional growth.
> WHY?
> The kinder Bunch groups provide for additional personal and social
> skill building
> under the guidance of the school counselor. The groups provide a chance for
> students to share, to talk and learn about feelings, build skills to
> develop healthy
> friendships and to understand how groups get along in a school community.
> HOW?
> The kinder Bunch meets on Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30. The kinder
> students stay in their classes while 3 teachers rotate from class exploring the
> concept of the month.
> Ms. Salomon, the school counselor, may introduce the topic with an age
> appropriate story , puppets or game, Miss Ewa, the PE teacher will actively
> engage student understanding through movement and role plays while Ms. Abouhana,
> the E.C music teacher uses the magic of songs and music to reinforce the topic.
>  We liaison with the classroom teachers to talk about specific needs,
> depending on what the children are doing and how they are
> interacting. We may follow themes such as friendships, caring, respect, and how
> to behave and react in certain situations.
The Kinder Team

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Our Field Trip to the Planetarium!

We had so much fun at the planetarium. The children came back full of questions and comments about stars, the sun and the planets! Here are a few photos:

Having our snack before we go in!

Add caption

Kinder B

Getting ready to see the show!

Lunch time- Picnic inside the Planetarium!

Monday, 26 November 2012

Field Trip Tomorrow

Just a Reminder:

We are off to the Planetarium Tomorrow, please be punctual getting to school and don't forget your packed lunch! 

Thank you

The Kinder Team

Kinder A at work Exploring Light and Dark!

Our World turned Blue!
Group work at the Inquiry table
Making Shadows!
What can we build?
Exploring with Color
Making patterns
I can Make a Pattern!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Kinder JL: The making of our Kaildescope

First we painted the tube
Then we added the sparkles and glitter

A look inside!
Can we see inside?
We realized that we needed to make the eye hole bigger to see inside!

We discovered that if we shine light inside, you can see the reflections a lot better!!

Let me shine my flashlight inside so you can see better!

It's sparkly!!